康涅狄格州的学生提议更换该州的官方昆虫。 Connecticut students propose replacing the state's official insect.
康涅狄格州的学生提议取代该州贪婪的螳螂作为官方昆虫,游说秋季草地鹰蜻蜓或春季蔚蓝蝴蝶。 Students in Connecticut propose replacing the state's voracious praying mantis as the official insect, lobbying for either the Autumn Meadowhawk Dragonfly or the Spring Azure Butterfly. 蜻蜓和蝴蝶都原产于康涅狄格州,对该州的环境产生积极影响。 Both the dragonfly and butterfly are native to Connecticut and have positive impacts on the state's environment. 欧洲螳螂于 1890 年代引入,旨在帮助农民,以捕捉和吃其他昆虫(包括蝴蝶)而闻名。 The European praying mantis, introduced in the 1890s to help farmers, has a reputation for catching and eating other insects, including butterflies.