由于竞争对手的电影投诉,《跌倒解剖》中的边境牧羊犬梅西没有出席第 96 届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼。 Border collie Messi from "Anatomy of a Fall" does not attend the 96th Academy Awards due to rival film complaints.
由于竞争对手电影公司的投诉,奥斯卡提名电影《秋天的解剖》中的主角边境牧羊犬梅西将不会出席第 96 届奥斯卡金像奖,这些电影公司认为梅西在开放投票窗口期间出席奥斯卡提名者午餐会给该影片带来了影响不公平的优势。 Border collie Messi, star of Oscar-nominated film "Anatomy of a Fall," will not attend the 96th Academy Awards due to complaints from rival film companies, which felt Messi's presence at the Oscar nominees' luncheon during the open voting window gave the film an unfair advantage. 尽管没有出席,梅西在影片中作为导盲犬的表演还是受到了极大的赞扬和关注。 Despite not attending, Messi's performance as a guide dog in the film has received significant praise and attention.