乌克兰总统泽连斯基签署法令,解除戒严状态下的义务兵,并于四月至五月将他们转入预备役。 Ukrainian President Zelensky signs decree to discharge conscripts from martial law, transferring them to military reserve in April-May.
乌克兰总统泽连斯基签署了一项法令,解除因戒严令而延长服役期的义务基本兵役义务兵。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree to discharge conscripts of compulsory basic military service, who were under extended term due to martial law. 征召入伍的士兵将于4月和5月转入国家预备役。 The conscripted soldiers will be transferred to the country's military reserve in April and May. 这一过程对于国防任务方面的人员替换是必要的,并将允许从四月起将应征入伍者派往预备役。 This process is necessary to replace people in terms of defense tasks and will allow the conscripts to be sent to the reserve from April.