位于德克萨斯州佩科斯的 Pody's BBQ 在 Mashed 和 MSN 的脱骨排骨排名中名列前茅。 Pody's BBQ in Pecos, Texas, ranked top for fall-off-the-bone ribs by Mashed and MSN.
位于德克萨斯州佩科斯的 Pody's BBQ 被 Mashed 和 MSN 评为脱骨排骨榜首。 Pody's BBQ in Pecos, Texas, is ranked the top spot for fall-off-the-bone ribs by Mashed and MSN. 餐厅位于第 14 街和 285 号高速公路旁,提供排骨、标准烧烤切块以及土豆沙拉、凉拌卷心菜、泡菜和红豆等配菜。 Located at 14th St. and Hwy 285, the restaurant offers ribs, standard BBQ cuts, and sides like potato salad, coleslaw, pickles, and red beans. Pecos Giant Spud(一种充满肉的土豆)也很受欢迎。 The Pecos Giant Spud, a potato filled with meat, is also popular. Pody's BBQ 距离米德兰/敖德萨 90 分钟车程,是排骨和烧烤爱好者的必去之地。 A 90-minute drive from Midland/Odessa, Pody's BBQ is a must-visit for rib and barbecue enthusiasts.