中国外交部长王毅重申中方在台湾问题上的立场。 China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi reaffirms China's stance on Taiwan.
中国外交部长王毅重申,中国绝不允许台湾从大陆分裂出去。 China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi reaffirms that the country will never allow Taiwan to be separated from the mainland. 中国在台湾问题上的政策仍然是以最大诚意争取和平统一。 China's policy on the Taiwan question remains to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity. 王毅坚称,台湾地方选举不会改变台湾是中国一部分的事实,整个国际社会维护一个中国原则只是时间问题。 Wang insisted that Taiwan's local elections will not change the fact that Taiwan is part of China, and it is only a matter of time before the whole international community upholds the one-China principle. 王警告说,那些支持“台独”的人正在挑战中国的主权。 Wang warned those supporting "Taiwan independence" are challenging China's sovereignty.