佐治亚州警方寻求公众帮助,以查明沃尔玛性侵犯嫌疑人的身份(3 月 3 日)。 Georgia police seek public help to identify a Walmart sexual assault suspect (March 3).
佐治亚州警方寻求公众帮助,以查明沃尔玛商店性侵犯案的嫌疑人。 Georgia police seek public help to identify a suspect in a sexual assault at a Walmart store. 这起事件发生在3月3日,犯罪嫌疑人接近体育区的一名女孩,抓住她的胸部,然后逃跑。 The incident occurred on March 3, where the suspect approached a girl in the sports section, grabbed her chest, and fled. 卡温顿警察局发布了一段视频,鼓励公众帮助识别嫌疑人,并要求知情者致电 770-786-7605 与他们联系。 The Covington Police Department released a video and encourages the public to help identify the suspect, asking those with information to contact them at 770-786-7605.