美国参议院国土安全委员会出于国家安全考虑批准了限制与中国生物技术公司开展业务的法案。 US Senate's homeland security committee approves bill to restrict business with Chinese biotech firms over national security concerns.
美国参议院国土安全委员会批准了一项法案,出于国家安全考虑,该法案可能限制与华大基因和药明康德等中国生物科技公司的业务往来。 The US Senate's homeland security committee has approved a bill that could restrict business with Chinese biotech companies, including BGI and WuXi AppTec, over national security concerns. 该立法草案旨在保护美国人的个人健康和基因数据免受外国对手的侵害,并禁止联邦机构在通过后与目标公司签订合同。 The draft legislation aims to protect Americans' personal health and genetic data from foreign adversaries, and prohibits federal agencies from contracting with the targeted companies if passed. 该法案需要获得参议院和众议院的全体通过,并由总统签署才能成为法律。 The bill would need to pass both the full Senate and the House and be signed by the President to become law.