澳大利亚官员警告美澳军事技术与中国和俄罗斯存在差距。 Australian official warns US-Australia military tech gap with China and Russia.
澳大利亚战略、政策和工业部副部长休·杰弗里警告称,美国及其盟国在军事技术发展方面正在被中国和俄罗斯超越,敦促美国和澳大利亚加强印太地区的工业伙伴关系和军事准备地区。 Australian Deputy Secretary of Strategy, Policy, and Industry, Hugh Jeffrey, warns the US and its allies are being outpaced by China and Russia in military technology development, urging the US and Australia to strengthen their industrial partnership and military preparations in the Indo-Pacific region. 杰弗里发表此番言论之前,多年来该地区的紧张局势不断升级,美国加强了在亚洲的存在作为回应。 Jeffrey's comments follow years of rising tensions in the region, with the US bolstering its Asian presence in response. 他声称俄罗斯和中国在军事技术发展方面正在超越美国及其盟国。 He claims Russia and China are outpacing the US and allies in military tech development.