比利·迪克森 (Billy Dixon) 因担任男性主讲人而遭到强烈反对,退出了在纽里举行的国际妇女节活动。 Billy Dixon withdrew from an International Women's Day event in Newry after backlash for being the male keynote speaker.
个人品牌顾问比利·迪克森 (Billy Dixon) 在因被任命为主讲人而遭到强烈反对后,退出了在北爱尔兰纽里举行的国际妇女节活动。 Billy Dixon, a personal brand consultant, withdrew from an International Women's Day event in Newry, Northern Ireland, after facing backlash for being booked as the keynote speaker. 纽里·莫恩 (Newry Morne) 和唐区议会 (Down District Council) 因选择男性发言人参加此次活动而面临批评,尽管他们声称要促进包容性。 Newry Mourne and Down District Council faced criticism for choosing a male speaker for the event, despite their claim to promote inclusivity. 迪克森对撤军表示失望,但鼓励人们集中精力打击人口贩运。 Dixon expressed disappointment at the withdrawal but encouraged people to focus on combating human trafficking.