瓦格纳县销售税的反对者举办集会大声疾呼。 Opposers Of Wagoner County Sales Tax Host Rally To Speak Out.
包括市长道尔顿·塞尔夫在内的瓦格纳县居民反对增加半便士销售税的提议,该提议将由公众投票决定,旨在为道路改善、救护车服务和法院大楼升级提供资金。 Wagoner County residents, including Mayor Dalton Self, oppose a proposed half-penny sales tax increase, set to be voted on by the public, aiming to fund road improvements, ambulance service, and courthouse upgrades. 批评者认为,目前 10.3% 的销售税已经是美国最高的,可能会损害当地企业。 Critics argue the current 10.3% sales tax is already the highest in the US and could hurt local businesses. 支持者坚称,增加税收不会增加财产税或县债务。 Supporters maintain the increase will not raise property taxes or county debt.