由于超市不平等的权力动态迫使农民放弃该行业,卡诺博拉斯山仅剩 10 个果园。 10 remaining orchards at Mount Canobolas due to supermarkets' unequal power dynamics forcing farmers to abandon the industry.
卡诺博拉斯山曾经拥有超过 400 名果农,但由于超市不平等的权力动态迫使农民放弃该行业,现在只剩下 10 个果园。 Mount Canobolas, once home to over 400 fruit growers, now has only 10 orchards remaining due to supermarkets' unequal power dynamics forcing farmers to abandon the industry. 这种情况归因于超市决定价格,而农民的产品面临不公平的低价。 The situation is attributed to supermarkets dictating prices, and farmers facing unfairly low prices for their produce. 一位受影响的农民迈克尔·库尼尔 (Michael Cunial) 表示,他再也不会种植集约化作物了。 One affected farmer, Michael Cunial, said he will never grow an intensive crop again.