警方与六旗乐园附近的“不守规矩的人群”交火,造成 1 人受伤。 Police exchange fire with members of ‘unruly crowd’ near Six Flags, leaving 1 injured.
在佐治亚州六旗主题乐园开幕当天,嫌疑人与警察之间发生了紧张的枪战,导致一名嫌疑人被警察开枪射击并送往医院。 A tense gunfire exchange between suspects and police occurred during the opening day of Six Flags Over Georgia, resulting in a suspect being shot by a police officer and taken to hospital. 主题公园内爆发多起斗殴事件,近 600 人四处逃散。 Nearly 600 people were running for cover as multiple brawls broke out in the theme park. 科布县官员参与了枪击事件,佐治亚州调查局正在进行调查。 Cobb County officers were involved in the shooting, with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducting an investigation.