加尔各答高等法院根据 IPC 第 354A(1)(iv) 条将“亲爱的”归类为冒犯性、带有性色彩的言论。 Calcutta High Court classifies "darling" as an offensive, sexually-coloured remark under IPC Section 354A(1)(iv).
加尔各答高等法院根据《印度刑法典》第 354A(1)(iv) 条将“亲爱的”归类为冒犯性、带有性色彩的言论。 Calcutta High Court classifies 'darling' as an offensive, sexually-coloured remark under Section 354A(1)(iv) of the Indian Penal Code. 这一决定是在贾纳克·拉姆 (Janak Ram) 的上诉听证会上做出的,他此前因在一次警方突袭中对一名女警长说“Kya darling challan karne aai hai kya”而被判处三个月监禁。 The decision was made during an appeal hearing for Janak Ram, who was previously sentenced to three months of imprisonment for addressing a lady head constable with the words "Kya darling challan karne aai hai kya" during a police raid. 法院认为这一言论应受到谴责并带有性别歧视,特别是因为它是针对一名在节日之夜执勤的女警官。 The court found the remark reprehensible and sexist, especially as it was directed at a woman constable on duty during a festive night.