美国领导的联军空袭也门荷台达胡塞武装军事基地。 US-led coalition airstrikes target Houthi military sites in Yemen's Hodeidah.
据当地居民和媒体报道,美国领导的联军于 3 月 2 日对也门红海港口城市荷台达的胡塞武装军事基地发动空袭。 US-led coalition airstrikes targeted Houthi military sites in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on March 2, according to local residents and media reports. 此前,胡塞武装自 11 月以来针对红海和亚丁湾的国际商船采取了行动。 This follows Houthi actions targeting international commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November. 今年一月,美国将胡塞武装重新定性为“全球恐怖组织”。 The US re-designated the Houthi group as a "global terrorist organization" in January.