乡村音乐团体 Old Dominion 开始在一个岛上录制“Memory Lane”。 Country music group Old Dominion started recording 'Memory Lane' on an island.
乡村音乐团体 Old Dominion 开始在一个非常规的地点录制他们的专辑“Memory Lane”——佛罗里达州阳光明媚的基韦斯特岛。 Country music group Old Dominion began recording their album "Memory Lane" in an unconventional location - the sunny island of Key West, Florida. 该乐队的 Trevor Rosen 分享说,他们在那里录制了前四首歌,整个过程从那时开始。 The group's Trevor Rosen shared that they recorded the first four songs there, and the process started from that point. Old Dominion 目前的单曲《Can't Break Up Now》由梅根·莫罗尼 (Megan Moroney) 主演,并沿用了 7 月份排名第一的专辑中的主打歌。 Old Dominion's current single, "Can't Break Up Now," features Megan Moroney and follows their title track from the album that reached #1 in July.