田纳西州众议院提出限制重新任命被驱逐议员的法案,提议四年和终身禁令。 Tennessee House advances bill to restrict reappointment of expelled lawmakers, proposing four-year and lifetime bans.
田纳西州众议院提出一项法案,阻止地方政府在去年驱逐众议员贾斯汀·琼斯和贾斯汀·皮尔森后重新任命被驱逐的议员。 Tennessee House advances bill to prevent local governments from reappointing expelled lawmakers following last year's expulsions of Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. 该法案由众议员约翰尼·加勒特 (Johnny Garrett) 提出,旨在加强对被驱逐议员的限制,并面临参议院的审查,拟议的宪法修正案建议对那些在驱逐后寻求重返公职的人实施四年和终身禁令。 The bill, proposed by Rep. Johnny Garrett, aims to tighten restrictions on expelled lawmakers and faces scrutiny in the Senate, with proposed constitutional amendments suggesting four-year and lifetime bans for those seeking to return to office after expulsion.