MoonSwatch Moonshine Gold 腕表在苏富比拍卖会上筹集了超过 50,000 英镑的善款,所得款项将捐献给奥比斯国际组织。 MoonSwatch Moonshine Gold watches raised over £50,000 at Sotheby's auction, with proceeds benefiting Orbis International.
装在特殊品牌手提箱中的 MoonSwatch Moonshine Gold 腕表在苏富比在线拍卖会上拍得超过 50,000 英镑(534,670 瑞士法郎),突显收藏家对欧米茄品牌腕表的需求。 MoonSwatch Moonshine Gold watches in special branded suitcases raised over £50,000 (534,670 Swiss francs) at a Sotheby's online auction, highlighting collector demand for the Omega-branded timepieces. 11套共11只腕表售出,最高成交价为60,960瑞士法郎。 The 11 sets of 11 watches were sold, with the highest price paid at 60,960 Swiss francs. 拍卖所得将捐赠给国际奥比斯组织,这是一家在全球范围内与可避免的失明和视力丧失作斗争的慈善机构。 Auction proceeds will be donated to Orbis International, a charity fighting avoidable blindness and vision loss worldwide.