印度马哈拉施特拉邦检查全球快餐连锁店是否存在贴错标签的奶酪产品。 India's Maharashtra state inspects global fast-food chains for mislabeling cheese products.
印度马哈拉施特拉邦将检查全球快餐连锁店,包括麦当劳、肯德基、汉堡王、必胜客和达美乐,以检查他们是否在错误宣传含有真正奶酪的产品中使用奶酪替代品。 India's Maharashtra state will inspect global fast-food chains, including McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and Domino's, to check if they use cheese alternatives in products wrongly advertised as containing real cheese. 在其特许经营商 Westlife Foods 被指控在某些产品中使用植物油奶酪类似物而不是真正的奶酪后,此举扩大了对麦当劳的打击范围。 This widens the scrutiny beyond a crackdown on McDonald's after its franchisee, Westlife Foods, faced accusations of using vegetable oil-based cheese analogues in some products instead of real cheese. 马哈拉施特拉邦食品和药物管理局可能会吊销被发现误导消费者的餐馆的执照。 Maharashtra Food and Drug Administration may suspend the licenses of restaurants found to have misled consumers.