加拿大发行第二批绿色债券,其中包括核能支出,目标是到 2030 年减排并到 2050 年实现净零排放。 Canada issues second green bond, including nuclear energy expenditures, for 2030 emissions reduction and net-zero emissions by 2050.
加拿大计划本周发行第二支加元计价的绿色债券,这是更新后的绿色债券框架下的第一笔发行。 Canada plans to issue a second Canadian-dollar-denominated green bond this week, marking the first issue under the updated Green Bond Framework. 该框架现在包括某些核能支出,使加拿大成为第一个将核能纳入绿色债券的主权借款国。 This framework now includes certain nuclear energy expenditures, making Canada the first sovereign borrower to include nuclear in a green bond. 这些债券将用于资助有助于加拿大 2030 年减排目标以及到 2050 年实现净零排放目标的项目。 The bonds will be used to finance projects contributing to Canada's 2030 emissions reduction targets and its goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.