一只来自五大湖种群的两岁灰狼被发现死在爱荷华州斯科特县的 80 号州际公路上。 A two-year-old gray wolf from the Great Lakes population was found dead on I-80 in Scott County, Iowa.
在爱荷华州斯科特县 80 号州际公路靠近 I-280 交汇处的地方发现了一只死灰狼,估计年龄约为两岁。 A dead gray wolf, estimated to be around two years old, was found on Interstate 80 in Scott County, Iowa, near the I-280 interchange. 该动物被送往爱荷华州立大学兽医诊断实验室进行全面尸检,以确认死因。 The animal was taken to the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab for a full necropsy to confirm the cause of death. 据信,狼起源于威斯康星州和明尼苏达州五大湖区的种群。 The wolf is believed to have originated from the Great Lakes population in Wisconsin and Minnesota. 狼在爱荷华州受到保护,没有开放季节狩猎它们。 Wolves are protected in Iowa and there is no open season for hunting them.