孟买电影城附近发生 60 英尺高的墙体倒塌,导致两人死亡、一人受伤。 Near Mumbai's Film City, a 60-foot wall collapse resulted in the death of two and injury of one.
孟买戈尔甘电影城附近的一次墙体倒塌导致辛图·曼达尔(Sintu Mandal,32 岁)和贾德夫·普拉哈德·比斯瓦斯(Jaidev Pralhad Biswas,45 岁)两人死亡,另一人维克拉姆·蒙达尔(Vikram Mondal,29 岁)受伤。 A wall collapse near Mumbai's Film City in Goregaon resulted in the death of two individuals, Sintu Mandal (32) and Jaidev Pralhad Biswas (45), and left another person, Vikram Mondal (29), injured. 周六晚上,这堵 60 英尺长、20 英尺高的墙倒塌,困住了三名受害者。 The 60-foot long and 20-foot high wall collapsed on Saturday evening, trapping the three victims. Goregaon 警察局已登记一起意外死亡案件,目前正在调查该事件。 The Goregaon Police Station has registered a case of accidental death and is currently investigating the incident.