一名澳大利亚游客在津巴布韦维多利亚瀑布国家公园失踪。 An Australian tourist went missing in Victoria Falls National Park, Zimbabwe.
一名澳大利亚游客在津巴布韦维多利亚瀑布国家公园失踪,这在这个热门旅游胜地是罕见的事件。 An Australian tourist has gone missing in Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls National Park, a rare incident in the popular tourist destination. 周五,这名 67 岁的游客在广阔的雨林中失踪,包括警察、嗅探犬、无人机和追踪器在内的整个团队正在寻找他们。 The 67-year-old tourist disappeared in the vast rainforest on Friday, and a full team including the police, sniffer dogs, drones, and trackers are searching for them. 维多利亚瀑布以其雄伟的水幕吸引了全球成千上万的游客。 Victoria Falls attracts thousands of tourists globally for its majestic water curtain.