由于降雪量少,不列颠哥伦比亚省的莎姆斯山为持有封闭滑雪场的游客提供免费滑雪服务。 Shames Mountain in British Columbia offers free skiing to pass holders of closed ski hills due to low snowfall.
不列颠哥伦比亚省特勒斯 (Terrace) 附近的莎姆斯山 (Shames Mountain) 向该地区封闭滑雪场的持有者提供免费滑雪服务,包括墨累山脊 (Murray Ridge)、特罗尔 (Troll)、普登 (Purden) 和蒂莫西山 (Mount Timothy)。 Shames Mountain near Terrace, British Columbia, is offering free skiing to pass holders of closed ski hills in the region, including Murray Ridge, Troll, Purden, and Mount Timothy. 该决定是在该省的几个滑雪场和度假村因降雪量低而面临关闭之后作出的。 The decision came after several ski hills and resorts in the province faced closure due to low snowfall. 该优惠是互惠协议政策的延伸,最初提供 50% 的折扣,但后来扩展到 100%,以帮助支持受影响的社区。 The offer is a reciprocal agreement policy extension, initially offering a 50% discount, but extended to 100% to help support the affected communities.