情人节那天,弗雷娅·弗劳尔斯 (Freya Flowers) 在返回医院的路上交通拥堵,在车里生下了她的孩子。 Freya Flowers gave birth to her baby in her car during a traffic-congested drive back to hospital on Valentine's Day.
情人节那天,22 岁的弗雷娅·弗劳尔斯 (Freya Flowers) 来自尼思 (Neath),在交通拥堵的返回辛格尔顿医院 (Singleton Hospital) 的路上,她在车里生下了她的孩子罗马 (Rome)。 Freya Flowers, 22, from Neath, gave birth to her baby, Rome, in her car during a traffic-congested drive back to Singleton Hospital on Valentine's Day. 她在羊水破后早些时候被送回家,并保证尚未开始积极分娩。 She had been sent home earlier after her waters broke, with assurances active labor hadn't started. 据报道,在母亲 Kim Griffiths 和三岁儿子 River 的陪同下,Freya 和婴儿都很健康,并于当天回到家中。 Accompanied by her mother, Kim Griffiths, and their three-year-old son, River, Freya and baby are reported to be healthy and were back home the same day.