Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Windows 版评测。 Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 for Windows review.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 for Windows 由 Bruce Artwick Organization 开发,是一款模拟游戏,包含销售、wiki、发布日期、评论、作弊、演练和社区统计信息。 Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 for Windows, developed by Bruce Artwick Organization, is a simulation game with sales, wiki, release dates, reviews, cheats, walkthroughs, and community stats. 以前的版本包括 Sublogic 的 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0 和 3.0,以及 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 专业版。 Previous versions include Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0 and 3.0 by Sublogic, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Professional Edition. 每个版本都提供屏幕截图、论坛和其他内容。 Each version offers screenshots, forums, and additional content. 用户可以注册免费帐户来访问 VGChartz 网络并加入社区。 Users can register for a free account to access the VGChartz Network and join the community.