工党组织敦促星巴克披露反工会运动的费用。 Labor group urges Starbucks to disclose anti-union campaign costs.
一个劳工组织已致函美国证券交易委员会 (SEC),敦促星巴克披露其反工会运动的成本,该组织估计该成本至少为 2.4 亿美元。 A labor group has sent a letter to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), urging Starbucks to reveal the costs of its anti-union campaign which the group estimates to be at least $240m. 这家咖啡巨头面临着一场全国范围内的门店工会运动,导致工人在 11 月份的一次大型促销活动中罢工。 The coffee giant has faced a nationwide campaign to unionise its stores, resulting in workers walking out during a major promotional event in November. 北美工会联盟战略组织中心(SOC)表示,星巴克需要提供总成本和负债的完整信息,以便股东在2024年年会之前做出明智的投票决定。 The Strategic Organizing Center (SOC), a coalition of North American labor unions, said that Starbucks needs to provide full information on the total costs and liabilities, in order for shareholders to make informed voting decisions before the 2024 annual meeting. 据称,这些费用包括诉讼、员工时间损失以及与涉嫌违反劳动法相关的责任。 The costs are said to include litigation, lost employee time and liabilities associated with alleged labor law violations.