最近的一项研究利用 X 射线分析在韦尔吉纳的一座希腊坟墓中识别出了亚历山大大帝的父亲马其顿的腓力二世,并证实了他同父异母的兄弟和儿子也存在于同一地点。 A recent study identifies Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, in a Greek tomb in Vergina using X-ray analysis, confirming the presence of his half-brother and son in the same location.
最近的一项研究利用 X 射线分析在一座希腊坟墓中鉴定出了亚历山大大帝的父亲马其顿腓力二世的遗骸。 A recent study has identified the remains of Alexander the Great's father, Philip II of Macedon, in a Greek tomb using X-ray analysis. 此前,考古学家错误地识别了位于希腊韦尔吉纳的坟墓。 Previously, archaeologists had mistakenly identified the tomb in Vergina, Greece. 这项发表在《考古科学杂志:报告》上的研究还证实,这三座坟墓里埋着亚历山大同父异母的兄弟国王菲利普三世·阿里达乌斯和他十几岁的儿子亚历山大四世。 The study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, also confirmed that the three tombs contain Alexander's half-brother, King Philip III Arrhidaeus, and his teenage son, Alexander IV. 韦尔吉纳是马其顿的原都,古称埃盖。 Vergina was the original capital of Macedonia, known as Aegae in ancient times.