安大略省高等法院批准 TD 银行就 NSF 费用双倍的集体诉讼达成 1,590 万美元的和解协议。 Ontario Superior Court approves $15.9M settlement for TD Bank in class-action lawsuit over double NSF fees.
与道明银行集团资金费用不足相关的集体诉讼的 1,590 万加元和解协议已获得安大略省高等法院的批准。 The $15.9 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit related to TD Bank Group's non-sufficient fund fees has been approved by an Ontario Superior Court. 该诉讼的重点是道明银行是否正确告知客户,同一笔购买可能会被收取两次费用。 The lawsuit focused on whether TD properly informed customers that they could be charged the fee twice for the same purchase. 大约 105,000 名被双重收费的人应该获得赔偿,而道明银行也同意修改有关这些费用的一些做法。 Around 105,000 people who had been double-charged should receive compensation, while TD has also agreed to amend some of its practices regarding these fees.