十名洛杉矶消防员受伤,其中两人伤势严重。 Ten LA firefighters injured, two in critical condition.
周四,威尔明顿一辆天然气卡车发生爆炸,造成十名洛杉矶消防员受伤。 Ten Los Angeles firefighters were injured in an explosion involving a natural gas truck in Wilmington on Thursday. 至少七名消防员受伤,正在等待更多救护车到达现场。 At least seven firefighters were injured and waiting for additional ambulances to arrive on scene. 三名消防员被送往当地医院,至少两人情况危急。 Three firefighters were taken to a local hospital and at least two are in critical condition. 由于卡车内存在加压气瓶,爆炸发生前消防队员最初正在对半卡车起火做出反应。 The firefighters were initially responding to a semi-truck fire before the explosion occurred due to the presence of pressurized cylinders inside the truck. 怀疑钢瓶中可能装有压缩天然气。 It is suspected that the cylinders may have contained compressed natural gas.