最高法院宣布选举债券计划违宪。 Supreme Court declares Electoral Bonds scheme unconstitutional.
最高法院宣布选举债券计划违宪,指出该债券计划违反了信息权和第 19(1)(a) 条,因为它阻碍了有关政党资助的信息,而这对于选举选择至关重要。 The Supreme Court has declared the Electoral Bonds scheme unconstitutional, stating that the bonds scheme violates the right to information and Article 19(1)(a) as it obstructs information about the funding of political parties, which is essential for electoral choices. 法院还命令印度国家银行向选举委员会披露这项为期六年的政治资助计划的捐助者姓名,详细信息将于 3 月 6 日之前提交,并于 3 月 13 日之前在其网站上公布。 The Court also ordered the State Bank of India to disclose to the Election Commission the names of contributors to the six-year-old scheme for political funding, with details to be submitted by March 6 and published on its website by March 13.