土耳其警方逮捕了一名在梅尔辛阿库尤核设施工作的俄罗斯伊斯兰国嫌疑人。 Turkish police arrested a Russian IS suspect working at the Akkuyu nuclear facility in Mersin.
土耳其警方逮捕了一名在阿库尤核设施以假身份工作的俄罗斯国民“伊斯兰国”嫌疑人。 Turkish police arrested an Islamic State suspect, a Russian national, working under a false identity at the Akkuyu nuclear facility. 该设施是一个耗资 200 亿美元的项目,由俄罗斯国有能源巨头 Rosatom 在土耳其地中海梅尔辛省建造。 The facility is a $20 billion project being constructed in Turkey's Mediterranean province of Mersin by Russian state-owned energy giant Rosatom. 嫌疑人将在入狱候审之前接受法庭听证会。 The suspect will face a court hearing before being jailed pending trial. 此前,伊斯兰国最近发动了袭击,包括伊斯坦布尔一座天主教堂发生致命枪击事件。 This follows recent IS attacks, including a fatal shooting at a Catholic church in Istanbul.