联邦政府与新民主党就国家药物护理计划进行谈判,首先考虑节育和糖尿病药物覆盖范围。 Federal government negotiates national pharmacare plan with NDP, considering birth control & diabetes medication coverage initially.
联邦政府正在考虑承担节育和糖尿病药物的费用,作为新民主党和执政的自由党目前正在谈判的国家药物计划的一部分。 The federal government is considering covering the costs of birth control and diabetes medication as part of a national pharmacare plan currently being negotiated between the NDP and the governing Liberals. 谈判的主要争论点是他们计划启动的药品数量。 The main point of contention in the negotiations is the number of drugs they plan to start with. 如果达成协议,该计划将推出部分药物类别,并致力于制定更强有力的国家药物计划。 If an agreement is reached, the plan is to launch with a select few drug categories and work on formulating a more robust national drug plan.