奥尔德姆县高中学生将主食放入老师的饮料中后被指控犯有重罪,但老师避免摄入。 Oldham County High School student cited for felonies after placing staple in teacher's drink, teacher avoided ingestion.
一名奥尔德姆县高中学生因涉嫌将订书钉放入老师的软饮料瓶中而被指控犯有两项重罪。 An Oldham County High School student has been cited for two felonies after allegedly putting a staple in their teacher's soft drink bottle. 老师喝了瓶子里的水,但没有摄入主食。 The teacher drank from the bottle but did not ingest the staple. 该女学生因一级肆意危害学校员工或学校志愿者而被指控犯有三级袭击罪。 The female student was cited for first-degree wanton endangerment and third-degree assault against a school employee or school volunteer. 该学生是一名青少年,因此不会发布有关此案的更多信息。 The student is a juvenile, so no further information will be released about the case.