佐治亚州代表敦促联邦政府对“加油站海洛因”(噻奈普汀)采取行动,这种海洛因在佐治亚州被禁止,但在便利店产品和网上仍然存在。 Georgia rep urges federal action against "gas station heroin" (tianeptine), banned in GA but still found in convenience store products & online.
佐治亚州的一名代表敦促联邦政府采取积极措施,防止销售一种被称为“加油站海洛因”的高度成瘾物质。 A Georgia representative is urging the federal government to take aggressive measures to prevent the sale of a highly addictive substance known as "gas station heroin." 这种物质经常混入便利店出售的产品中,与服药过量、癫痫发作和死亡有关。 Often mixed into products sold at convenience stores, this substance has been linked to overdoses, seizures, and deaths. 尽管在乔治亚州被禁止,但噻奈普汀仍然可以在商店和网上找到。 Despite being banned in Georgia, tianeptine can still be found in stores and online. 这种危险的合成化合物存在于 Neptune's Fix、Zaza 和 Tianna Red 等非处方产品中,这些产品被宣传为缓解压力和膳食补充剂。 This dangerous synthetic compound is found in over-the-counter products like Neptune's Fix, Zaza, and Tianna Red, which are promoted as stress relievers and dietary supplements.