公元前 在发现 2 例病例后,政府实施了检测和运输限制,以对抗鹿、麋鹿、驼鹿和驯鹿的慢性消耗性疾病。 B.C. government imposes testing and transportation restrictions to combat chronic wasting disease in deer, elk, moose, & caribou after 2 cases found.
不列颠哥伦比亚省 (B.C.) The British Columbia (B.C.) 政府已采取措施控制慢性消耗性疾病的传播,这种疾病对鹿、麋鹿、驼鹿和驯鹿来说是致命的。 government has implemented measures to control the spread of chronic wasting disease, which is deadly for deer, elk, moose, and caribou. 这些措施包括在受影响地区进行强制检测,以及限制该地区任何鹿或类似动物的运输和处置。 The measures include mandatory testing in the affected region and restrictions on the transportation and disposal of any deer or similar animals in the area. 这种影响鹿科动物的疾病是上个月在该省的两只鹿中首次发现的。 The disease, which affects cervid species, was first discovered in two deer in the province last month.