北达科他州西法戈因家庭纠纷而停车,导致一名乘客不听从警察命令持枪自杀。 Traffic stop in West Fargo, ND for domestic dispute led to suicide of passenger not following officers' commands with a firearm.
周日,北达科他州西法戈市第 26 大道南和退伍军人大道交叉口的一个交通站点导致一名乘客自杀身亡。 On Sunday, a traffic stop in West Fargo, North Dakota, at the intersection of 26th Avenue S. and Veterans Boulevard, resulted in the death of a passenger who died by suicide. 此次停车事件与家庭纠纷有关,于上午 11 点 30 分左右开始。 The stop, which was related to a domestic dispute, began at around 11:30 a.m. 司机被短暂拘留,但乘客没有听从警察的命令,仍携带枪支留在车内。 The driver was briefly detained, but the passenger did not follow officers' commands, remaining in the car with a firearm. 西法戈警察局没有开枪,也没有其他人受伤。 No shots were fired by the West Fargo Police Department, and there were no other injuries. 警方此前曾与周六晚上参与交通堵塞的个人进行过互动。 The police had previously interacted with the individual involved in the traffic stop on Saturday night.