新南威尔士州南部地方卫生区警告称,由于水温升高,阿米巴脑膜脑炎病例不断增加,敦促在未经处理的水源周围采取预防措施,并对症状尽早就医。 Southern NSW Local Health District warns of rising amoebic meningoencephalitis cases due to warmer water temperatures, urging precautions around untreated water sources and early medical attention for symptoms.
新南威尔士州南部地方卫生区 (SNSWLHD) 就一种称为阿米巴脑膜脑炎的罕见脑部感染发出警告,这种感染是由温暖的淡水和土壤中发现的阿米巴原虫引起的。 The Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) has issued a warning about a rare brain infection called amoebic meningoencephalitis, which is caused by amoebas found in warm fresh water and soil. 由于气温和水温上升,SNSWLHD 公共卫生总监 Alison Nikitis 敦促人们在未经处理或处理不当的水源周围采取预防措施。 Due to rising air and water temperatures, SNSWLHD public health director Alison Nikitis is urging people to take precautions around untreated or poorly treated water sources. 阿米巴脑膜脑炎对于儿童和年轻人以及生活在有自己的供水的农场或游泳池维护不善的农场的人来说尤其危险。 Amoebic meningoencephalitis is particularly dangerous for children and young people, as well as those living on farms with their own water supplies or those with poorly maintained swimming pools. 为了预防感染,人们应避免使用未经氯化的水,如果出现头痛、发烧、恶心、呕吐、颈部僵硬、神志不清、失去平衡、癫痫发作和幻觉等症状,应立即就医。 To prevent infection, people should avoid using unchlorinated water and seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms such as headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, seizures, and hallucinations.