Novonix 首席执行官在网络广播中讨论了与松下能源的承购协议,讨论了产能扩张对电动汽车电池材料供应的影响。 Novonix CEO discusses off-take agreement with Panasonic Energy during webcast addressing capacity expansion impacts for EV battery materials supply.
领先的电池材料和技术公司 NOVONIX 宣布与北美领先的电动汽车电池制造商松下能源公司达成承购协议。 NOVONIX, a leading battery materials and technology company, has announced an off-take agreement with Panasonic Energy, a leading electric vehicle battery manufacturer in North America. 该协议旨在随着该公司扩大产能,解决国内负极材料的供应缺口。 The agreement aims to address the supply gap of domestic anode materials, as the company ramps up its capacity. 首席执行官 Chris Burns 博士在网络广播中讨论了该协议的影响,演示材料可以在 NOVONIX 投资者关系网站上访问。 CEO Dr. Chris Burns discussed the implications of the agreement during a webcast, and presentation materials can be accessed on the NOVONIX investor relations website.