那不勒斯更好的政府支持市长候选人。 Naples Better Government endorses candidates for mayor.
那不勒斯更好的政府 (NBG) 已经批准了那不勒斯市长和市议会的候选人,作为其促进该地区更好的政府使命的一部分。 Naples Better Government (NBG) has endorsed candidates for mayor and City Council of Naples, as part of their mission to promote better government in the area. 董事会采访了候选人,并对他们对社区的承诺表示赞赏。 The board of directors interviewed the candidates and expressed their appreciation for their commitment to the community. NBG很高兴认可候选人各自的职位,旨在保持社区魅力并提高政府效率。 NBG is pleased to endorse the candidates for their respective positions, aiming to maintain the community's charm and improve government efficiency.