自 1997 年以来,在巴伊亚州 Madre de Deus 举行的巴西街头派对“Bloco da Latinha”中,30 名参与者穿着铝罐服装,以提高人们的环保意识。 In a Brazilian street party, 'Bloco da Latinha', 30 participants wore aluminum can costumes to raise environmental awareness in Madre de Deus, Bahia state since 1997.
巴西街头派对“Bloco da Latinha”的 30 多名参与者穿着由大约 1,600 个铝制啤酒和汽水罐制成的服装,这些都是在前几个月收集和清洁的。 Over 30 participants in the Brazilian street party, known as 'Bloco da Latinha', wore costumes made from around 1,600 aluminum beer and soda cans, gathered and cleaned in the previous months. 该活动在巴伊亚州马德雷德德乌斯举行,旨在提高人们对环境问题的认识。 The event took place in Madre de Deus, Bahia state, and aimed to raise awareness about environmental issues. 尽管夏天下着毛毛细雨,数百名观众还是欣赏了这一自 1997 年以来一直举办的独特奇观。 Despite a summer drizzle, hundreds of onlookers enjoyed the unique spectacle, which has been running since 1997.