根据孟加拉国电信监管委员会 (BTRC) 的数据,到 2023 年,孟加拉国的互联网用户数量将达到 1.31 亿,其中移动用户为 1.185 亿。 In 2023, Bangladesh's internet user count reached 131 million, with 118.5 million mobile users, as per the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
根据孟加拉国电信监管机构的数据,截至 2023 年底,孟加拉国互联网用户数量达到 1.31 亿。 The number of internet users in Bangladesh reached 131 million by the end of 2023, according to data from the country's telecom regulator. 这个数字包括过去一年近700万的新用户。 This figure includes nearly 7 million new users in the past year. 在这些互联网用户中,约 1.185 亿人使用移动互联网,约 1290 万人使用宽带互联网用户。 Of these internet subscribers, around 118.5 million use mobile internet, while approximately 12.9 million are broadband internet users. 2023年,孟加拉国移动用户数量也增加了1060万,总数达到1.908亿。 The number of mobile subscribers in Bangladesh also increased by 10.6 million in 2023, bringing the total to 190.8 million. 这个南亚国家目前运营着四家移动公司,其中三家是外国支持的手机运营商。 The South Asian nation currently operates four mobile companies, three of which are foreign-backed cellphone operators.