J.A. 巴约纳执导的《雪之社会》在西班牙荣获 12 项戈雅奖,包括最佳影片和最佳导演奖。 J.A. Bayona's 'Society of the Snow' wins 12 Goya Awards in Spain, including Best Picture and Best Director.
J.A. J.A. 巴约纳的电影《雪之社会》霸占了相当于奥斯卡奖的西班牙第38届戈雅奖。 Bayona's film 'Society of the Snow' dominated the 38th Goya Awards in Spain, which are equivalent to the Oscars. 该片根据1972年乌拉圭空难的真实故事改编,荣获最佳影片、最佳导演等12项大奖。 Based on the true story of the Uruguayan plane crash in 1972, the movie won 12 awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. 西格妮·韦弗出席颁奖典礼并领取国际戈雅奖,获得观众热烈掌声。 Sigourney Weaver attended the event to receive the International Goya Award, receiving a warm round of applause from the audience.