2024年,由于预算紧张,印度尼西亚取消了从卡塔尔购买12架幻影2000-5战斗机的7.33亿欧元(7.9亿美元)计划。 In 2024, Indonesia cancelled its €733 million ($790 million) plan to buy 12 Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets from Qatar amid budget constraints.
2024 年,印度尼西亚宣布取消一项有争议的计划,即以 7.33 亿欧元(7.9 亿美元)的价格购买 12 架此前由卡塔尔运营的幻影 2000-5 战斗机。 In 2024, Indonesia announced that it has cancelled a contentious plan to purchase 12 Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets previously operated by Qatar for a cost €733 million ($790 million). 该交易因预算限制而被推迟,印尼原本会下令对其现有的苏霍伊和 F-16 飞机进行改装。 The deal, which had been held back due to budgetary constraints, would have seen Indonesia ordering a retrofit for its existing Sukhoi and F-16 aircraft instead. 由于喷气式飞机的过时性质,该购买最初宣布时遭到了批评。 The purchase had been met with criticism when it was initially announced due to the dated nature of the jets.