那加兰邦首席部长宣布白猫头鹰文学节开幕,强调文学在团结和保护文化方面的重要性,重点关注该地区丰富的口头和书面遗产,并激励年轻一代。 Nagaland's Chief Minister inaugurated the White Owl Literature Festival, emphasizing the importance of literature in unity and preserving culture, with a focus on the region's rich oral and written heritage and inspiring the younger generation.
白猫头鹰文学节和书展由那加兰邦首席部长 Neiphiu Rio 主持开幕,强调文学在团结不同社区和保护文化遗产方面的重要性。 The White Owl Literature Festival and Book Fair was inaugurated by Nagaland's Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio, emphasizing the importance of literature in uniting diverse communities and preserving cultural heritage. 为期两天的活动以“叙事的回声”为主题,以口头和书面形式展示了该地区丰富的文化遗产。 The two-day event, with a theme "Echoes of Narratives," showcased the region's rich cultural legacy expressed in both oral and written forms. 该节日旨在激励年轻一代多读书、多写作,并为保护他们多样化的叙事和繁荣的阅读文化做出贡献。 The festival aimed to inspire the younger generation to read more, write more, and contribute to preserving their diverse narratives and thriving reading culture.