在乔伊斯维尔研究所查获的违禁品、未经授权的物品。 Contraband, Unauthorized Items Seized at Joyceville Institution.
2024 年 2 月 7 日,多级安全联邦监狱乔伊斯维尔机构成功查获违禁品和未经授权的物品。 On February 7, 2024, the Joyceville Institution, a multi-level security federal prison, successfully seized contraband and unauthorized items. 该机构的工作人员成功缴获了烟草、大麻、利器、手机和配件,估计机构价值为 70,000 美元。 The staff at the institution managed to seize tobacco, cannabis, edged weapons, cell phones, and accessories with an estimated institutional value of $70,000. 金斯顿警方协助逮捕与此次扣押有关的嫌疑人。 The Kingston Police assisted in apprehending the suspects related to the seizure. 加拿大惩教署 (CSC) 使用离子扫描仪和侦查犬等各种工具来防止毒品进入其机构。 The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) utilizes various tools, such as ion scanners and detector dogs, to prevent drugs from entering its institutions. CSC 已加强措施,确保环境安全,并与警方合作,对携带违禁品或未经授权物品的人采取行动。 CSC has heightened measures to ensure a safe and secure environment, working with the police to take action against those who introduce contraband or unauthorized items.