关于奇基塔峡谷垃圾填埋场的独立报告没有发现直接的健康风险,但敦促进一步研究;县督导在7000起居民投诉和100起违规事件中呼吁协助搬迁。 Independent report on Chiquita Canyon Landfill found no immediate health risks, but urges further studies; county supervisor calls for relocation assistance amid 7,000 complaints and 100 violations from residents.
关于奇基塔峡谷垃圾填埋场的一份独立报告没有发现空气质量方面存在令人担忧的问题,但报告得出的结论是,需要进一步研究以确定垃圾填埋场是否构成健康风险。 An independent report on Chiquita Canyon Landfill found no alarming issues regarding air quality, however, it concluded that further studies are needed to determine if the landfill poses a health risk. 该垃圾填埋场已收到附近居民的 7,000 多起投诉和 100 起违规行为,他们声称气味导致健康问题并污染社区。 The landfill has faced over 7,000 complaints and 100 violations from nearby residents who claim odors are causing health problems and polluting the community. 洛杉矶县主管凯瑟琳·巴格呼吁奇基塔峡谷垃圾填埋场为受强烈气味影响的周边社区居民提供搬迁援助服务。 Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger called on Chiquita Canyon Landfill to provide relocation assistance services to residents from surrounding communities affected by strong odors.