费耶特维尔警方以二级谋杀罪和篡改在克拉克财产中发现的与托马斯·麦克纳尼死亡有关的证据的罪名逮捕了扎卡里·克拉克。 Fayetteville police arrested Zachary Clark for second-degree murder and tampering with evidence in connection to Thomas McEnaney's death found on Clark's property.
费耶特维尔警方逮捕了 32 岁的扎卡里·克拉克 (Zachary Clark),他与周三发生的一起谋杀案有关。 Fayetteville police have arrested Zachary Clark, 32, in connection with a murder that occurred on Wednesday. 克拉克被指控犯有二级谋杀罪和篡改物证罪。 Clark is charged with second-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence. 受害者是 23 岁的托马斯·麦克纳尼 (Thomas McEnaney),他被发现死在克拉克的房产内,调查人员认为克拉克在尸体发现前几天开枪射杀了麦克纳尼。 The victim, 23-year-old Thomas McEnaney, was found dead on Clark's property, with investigators believing that Clark had shot McEnaney a few days prior to the discovery of the body. 克拉克目前被关押在华盛顿县拘留中心,等待保释。 Clark is currently being held at the Washington County Detention Center, with bond pending.