科技公司 Arrive 与 AllMart Marketplace 合作,在安提瓜岛部署 25 个智能邮箱,以确保安全投递。 Tech company Arrive partners with AllMart Marketplace to deploy 25 smart mailboxes in Antigua for secure deliveries.
Arrive 是一家专注于最后一英里自动送货的科技公司,已与 AllMart Marketplace 合作,初步在安提瓜岛部署了多达 25 个智能邮箱。 Arrive, a tech company focusing on the last mile of autonomous delivery, has partnered with AllMart Marketplace to initially deploy up to 25 smart mailboxes in Antigua. 此次合作旨在促进该岛国的安全交付。 This collaboration aims to facilitate secure deliveries on the island nation. AllMart 是一家年发货量约为 120,000 件的在线零售商,将于 5 月之前为客户提供“安全交付”选项。 AllMart, an online retailer with around 120,000 annual deliveries, will offer customers the option for 'secure delivery' by May. Arrive 预计将于 2024 年下半年进行自动送货测试。 Arrive anticipates autonomous delivery testing in the second half of 2024.