对消防侦察机坠毁事件的调查仍在继续。 Investigatons continue into firefighting surveillance plane crash.
澳大利亚运输安全局的调查人员正在调查缺氧(即缺氧)是否是导致昆士兰州内陆一场致命飞机失事的一个因素,这场空难造成三人死亡,其中包括一名 22 岁的美国人。 Investigators from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau are examining the possibility of oxygen deprivation, known as hypoxia, as a factor in a fatal plane crash in outback Queensland that killed three people, including a 22-year-old American. 这架双引擎包机正在进行空中火灾监视行动,坠机前就注意到飞行员的无线电通讯问题。 The twin-engine charter plane was conducting aerial fire surveillance operations, and radio communication issues with the pilot were noted before the crash. 调查正在进行中,最终报告将在调查结束后发布。 Investigations are ongoing, and the final report will be released when the investigations conclude.