阿黛尔宣布八月在慕尼黑举办夏季演出,由于舞台较大,打算集中训练,并增加了两个日期以满足门票需求。 Adele announces Munich summer shows in August, intends to train intensively due to the large stage, and adds two more dates to accommodate ticket demand.
阿黛尔正在集中训练,为即将在德国慕尼黑举行的夏季演出做准备,并宣布她将于八月在该市演出。 Adele is training intensively to prepare for her upcoming summer shows in Munich, Germany, announcing that she will perform in the city in August. 这位 35 岁的歌手计划像运动员一样锻炼身体,因为她希望在演出期间每晚步行八英里。 The singer, 35, plans to work out like an athlete as she expects to walk eight miles a night during the shows. 训练量的增加是因为舞台“巨大”。 The increased training comes as a result of the stage being "enormous." 随着门票需求激增,阿黛尔在她的慕尼黑演出中又增加了两个日期。 Adele has added two more dates to her Munich shows, following a surge in demand for tickets.